Wednesday 9 March 2011


Starting up a blog of my own is an idea that I've had at the back of my mind for quite a while now. It was one of my sisters who originally suggested it; she was very optimistic about the idea, saying that by sharing my love of writing with anyone willing to listen, I would have the chance to keep an organized archive of my thoughts whilst being able to talk to (and with) the world at large. Of course, it's taken a long time for me to finally get around to making this blog, but I really feel as though this is a good idea and will be a lot of fun.

My main audience here will likely be fans of the Fanfiction that I write, but I hope that this blog will also attract the attention of other people who are generally interested in literature as a whole. I would like this blog to be a place where I discuss everything from Shakespeare to My Immortal, but even if this just ends up as a sort of personal diary for my thoughts about writing, I'll be satisfied.

To elaborate on what sort of content I hope to post within this blog, I should first explain that this is where I will basically be collecting and organizing my thoughts on writing. I'll be updating about once or twice a week, writing book reviews, analyzing various authors' writing styles (e.g. talking about my opinions on plot twists, literary tricks, choices in characters, etc.), as well as talking about my own writing, or else just discussing why it is that I spend so much time with a pen in hand.

I'm always open to suggestions for new things to talk about on this blog, so please feel free to contact me whenever you feel like it. On the sidebar you will find a section dedicated to the main links of this blog. This should help you to navigate through the information here efficiently.


  1. oh, how lovely! I may have found your blog simply because I read your fanfiction, but I am so glad because there are simply too few literature blogs out there!

    I read you are only sixteeen! I am nineteen, but would have never been able to conjure the width of a story you have written! *bows down to the master* I also write (once the writer of fanfiction) but I see myself more of a "feelings" and toying-with-words-and-themes writer rather than one to come up with faboulus plots and the like... Yet I really like reading long, complicated and dramatic books and stories. Strange isn't it?

    Now I have babbled about a lot, but I really would like discussing books and writing with someone else so close in age! I will defiantly follow your blog ^-^. (I also have one '', but it is very general and... yeah)


  2. ...Hey, was my previous comment eaten?

    ... :(

    Anyway, I came here via your fanfics. I'm looking forward to your blog. You write like a pro.

  3. Oh, and please allow me to praise your gorgeous layout. *.*

  4. @ linnéa: Although I already sent you a more detailed message in response, I want to say thanks again for your lovely comment!

    @ Martel: I'm not quite sure what happened to any previous comments of yours, yet I'm thankful that you left another message here nevertheless - thank you! & I made this layout myself, haha.


  5. Now, that is strange since I have not recieved a message, but I am not very handy when it comes to blogger in general, so I have no clue where that message has gone and thus I haven't been able to answer, heeehe... Oh well!

    I guess I should comment on your new post, but you will see this comment here too I guess and I just want to say that I believe that is a very interesting dilemma you wrote, and very true too I believe. I do feel sorry for the hedgehogs though. But I would say that very much describe the way humans interact with eachother and paradox way of the human mind; the always wanting more and suffering for it and yet keep earning for it. Very, very interesting! *goes off wondering about it for the rest of the day*

  6. I tried to use the "Comment as:" option with my LiveJournal account, but it somehow didn't work out. I think that maybe I messed up by logging out too soon.

    Oh, you made it yourself? You have a good eye for design.
