Wednesday 9 March 2011


About the Blog:

Q. Why did you decide to make this blog?
A. To talk about writing at length, of course. The Introduction Post should give you more details about it.

Q. Why did you decide to write Fanfiction?
A. I find that Fanfiction an easy way to keep me motivated. Since I'm writing about my favourite Fandoms to a crowd of other dedicated fans, it's surprisingly very easy to keep going. My readers remind me to keep updating, and because fanfiction is anonymous more often than not, I find that readers can be more honest with their opinions or constructive criticism.

Q. Why do you write about Harry Potter?
A. Harry Potter was my favourite book as a kid, so I guess I just never grew out of being a fan of it.

About the Author:

Q. How old are you?
Sixteen, going on Seventeen.

Q. How long have you been writing for?
A. About two years now, if you count it from when I was actually writing every day.

If you want to send a question or two to my FAQ, please send an email to with your inquiry.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Lightning,

    I just want to say that all of your stories on are simply delightful and I'm always impressed by the detail and thought which goes into your romances. Your characters are always as IC as possible and there is always a nice flow to your writing style that is gentle and beautiful. Even the romance itself isn't sappy or over the top. It's realistic and the relationship between Tom and Harry, no matter what problems come, is always endearing to read.

    Thank you for sharing with an online audience, your talent and insight. I'm very surprised that you're only sixteen. Your writing and perceptions are very mature.

    I look forward to your blog posts and future stories :)

    -Ms. Notebook
